Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - The Icon

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - The Icon

Queen Elizabeth II has long been the subject of many a royal portrait and immortalized in a vast array of artworks in differing styles. Perhaps one of the most iconic is Andy Warhol's Reigning Queens, a series of sixteen prints made up of four images of the four female monarchs who were ruling in the world in 1985. Warhol captures Her Majesty’s poise and glamour, basing the images on a photograph taken for her Silver Jubilee in 1977. Just to mention another contemporary artist, the print made by Gerhard Richter was taken from a photograph of Her Majesty in a newspaper or magazine. It was a mark of the artist’s support and respect for the monarch at the time. Since her passing many artists have been paying tribute to the beloved monarch in a variety of styles , techniques and media, providing her enduring popularity and status as a true icon and important historical figures.

Queen Elizabeth II ascended the throne in 1952 after the death of her adored father managing the expectations of her family. She was born in 1926 in Mayfair, London, and she was named Elizabeth after her mother. Third in line to the throne she was pushed further down the line of succession, when her uncle had abdicated almost 20 years beforehand. The death of Queen Elizabeth II marked the end of an era. Her reign of 70 years and 214 days is the longest of any British monarch and the longest verified reign of any female sovereign in history. She fulfilled the vow she made on her twenty-first birthday to dedicate her life to us. Even just three days before she died, the fifteenth Prime Minister of her reign had been appointed. The Queen was a steadfast and comforting presence to many, through times of great challenge and upheaval. She was dedicated to her people and inspired so many with her service and compassion.

This Art collection it is a tribute to one of Britain's most beloved monarchs. In these portraits I explore the woman who has ruled over generations of her subjects. From her worst years to her triumphs and joy, she devoted herself to her country and the people within it. I celebrate a female symbol of stability and strength, known for her unwavering dedication to duty and public service. This collection depicts an icon of timeless grace and leadership who continues to inspire generations with her legacy. This piece is painted with mixed media including pure pigments and gouache. Each painting of the series boasts a pastel color palette, inspired by the Queen's personal preferences.

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